Hi to all,
this is my first post, i'm glad to be here!
Here my question:
I have a cluster with 10 Esxi hosts (4.1 latest build), connected to those hosts a FC storage.
From this storage i created a couple of datastore, presented to all hosts, and inside those some vmdks connected to some VM as backup disk (F: for example) used to store sql server .bak files.
OS and data's vmdks are on different datastores made from a different FC storage.
i have to completely poweroff the backup storage for moving into new position and after this it'll return on as before. Given that those VMs involved are production i don't want impact on these.
My solution:
pre-requisite: the sql servers' maintenance plans on involved VM are disabled or not scheduled during the operations.
1. put offline in windows from Disk managment the backup partition (F:)
2. remove without destroy from "edit settings" the involved vmdks from VMs
3. following steps 1, 3-5 from this KB http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1029786
4. poweroff Backup FC storage
5. move the storage into new position
6. power on
7. Do step 6 from the KB in step 3
8. Add again from "edit settings" the vmdks removed in step 2
9. check disk managment on involved VMs for the return of the disk F:
Did someone have some experience on operations like this? Anything to add? Some comments or suggestions?
Thanks a lot
Sorry for the long post