I have avery serious problemwithVMWARE. I havefourVMsinstalled on aDellPowerEdgeR710server. TheseVMshave theRed Hat 5 64 bitsor CentOS, bothwere runningperfectly.SoI took ashutdownin threeof the fourVMsand whenI wastrying to startthemagaintheydid not initiate.
Vmdkandvmxfilesareintact, nothing has changed.I just shutdown on theseVMSandthenIstartagain.Before thatthey were allworking perfectly, whatcanbe happening?
Eventstabof vSphereClientdisplaysthe following messages:
Virtual machine on vmwareesx04 is powered on:
Message fromvmwareesx04: No bootable
device was detected. A bootable device might be a CD, floppy,
hard disk, or network device, as when booting with PXE. To
install an operating system, insert a bootable CD or floppy and
restart the virtual machine.
I amalsosendingoneprint screenof theconsole screenof theVMSI'mtrying to start