I am trying to disable smart detection for the internal usb thumb drive ESXI has been installed to, as well as for the HP SmartArray Controller, as syslog reports both drivers not to be smart capable.
Every 30 minutes I get these annoying messages with catagory emergency in my syslog-server:
libsmartsata: Not an ATA SMART device:mpx.vmhba32:C0:T0:L0
libsmartsata: Not an ATA SMART device:naa.600508b1001c88c15725091c52c742d7
I already tried to modify the /usr/lib/vmware/vm-support/bin/smartinfo.sh script, but after a reboot, everything is back at default contents, so no chance here.
An /etc/smartd.conf does not exist, so how may I disable these two drivers from being checked all the time?
Thanks a lot and
best regards,