Hi all. Earlier in 2010, a client bought an HP Solution with vmWare. The licenses say this:
- VMware vSphere adv 1p 1yr9x5Nm lic (have 4 of theese)
- VMware vCntr FND for vSphere1yr Nm Lic (just one)
Today, we have 2 ESXi 4.1 Hosts and 1 vCenter Server (a virtual one) and the two hosts are configured with HA. Are this licenses ok? I am very new to vmWare... so i don´t know how to download the software or updates... need some help or information.
I have installed vCenter Update Manager and upgraded the two hosts ESXi 4.1 to 4.1 u3 (build 800380). Now i want to update the vCenter server, but don´t know how and i dont know where to start... what should i do?
All the licenses came from HP and have one Activation Code. I registered on MyVmWare, but cannot enter activation codes anywhere and i cannot download updates for my versions (i just want to update 4.1, not upgrade to 5.1 rigth now. I need to buy maintenance and i will do it soon).
The installation where in 2010 and the proyect that will deploy SAP in the Virtual Servers stoped and we couldn´t make any changes to the installation because of legal rasons. But now, the proyect start over and we need to update this infrastructure and then we should buy the maintenance and upgrade to 5.1. Need a little help on how to update this infrastructure (hosts and vCenterServer).
I appreciate yout help and the information you can provide me.