H iI'm trying to convert a HyperV to VMWare the first run worked but then when i have tried to do a sync it crashes saying "an error occirred during the conversion: 'Requester information is not available.
I dont understand how the first one can work fine and then a sync just does not.
Looking at the logs the bit it is failing on are below.
2017-11-29T15:55:59.277Z error vmware-converter-server[04612] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] [task,350] [LRO] Unexpected Exception: converter.fault.CloneFault
2017-11-29T15:55:59.277Z info vmware-converter-server[04612] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] [task,379] [task-24] -- ERROR -- Convert: converter.fault.CloneFault
2017-11-29T15:55:59.323Z info vmware-converter-server[03496] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Run 23 of job "job-2" finished with an error. -- struct Converter::Server::Job::JobExecutor::SchedulerUpdateSpec __thiscall Converter::Server::Conversion::ConversionJobExecutorImpl::UpdateJob(class Converter::Server::Job::InternalJob &,bool,const class Converter::Server::Scheduler::SchedulerItemStatistics &,const class Converter::Task::TaskInfo &) ("d:/build/ob/bora-3410145/bora/sysimage/lib/converter/server/conversion/conversionJobExecutorImpl.cpp:405")