Hello people
A question about the Dell PowerEdge 860 (Riverbed Version)
I have recently got meself a (from what i could find out about it)
i think it's a Dell Poweredge 860 but modded by Riverbed Steelhead as a WAN optimization server
As i am in a private residence fooling around with network and servers and stuff at home for self learning
I would like to use the Riverbed Server as a ESXI host but i can't seem to get it to work as VT is not supported
by the current CPU Intel Pentium D 925 Costa Rica..
I switched the CPU with a Core 2 Duo E7600 which has the VT option
but the option isn't in the bios to enable it, If the CPU even is compatible with the machine.
From what i can see if the machine is a PE860 the latest bios for download is A05, But the machine have A07
which in my logical mind should seem better...
I have a HDD where ESXI 5.1.0 is installed, the machine boot's fine and i can connect with my vSphere client, but i can't start any
virtual machines like Windows 7, it says to me something along "This host does not support VT" and some more along thees lines
that i can't remember at the moment.
Finally my question is
Is this machine even compatible (the MB) with VT, since the option isn't in the bios, ?
or could it be that it can't read it from the CPU cause it said this evening "No Microcode update loaded for processor 1"
because the CPU isnt' compatible with the MB?
I found that Intel Pentium D 930 Does Support VT, if the case is a switch of CPU, does any of you know
if the 930 is supported ?
The Specs that i know off originally:
1x 513 CF Card (Presumably for Riverbed software)
1x 250 SATA Seagate HDD
1x Intel Pentium D 925 Costa Rica 3.0Ghz 2x2MB L2 Cache
1x Riverbed Card (Lan / WAN input / output (Presumably for the WAN optimization as the machine is intended to be)
2x 1 GB Samsung PC2 5300 ECC Memory
That's what i know about it, would appreciate if someone know this particular model and maybe could give me the answer that i am looking for
if ESXI can run on the machine..
Tanks in advance.