In ESXI 6.0, I have two cluster-sites at separate data centers and I wanted to get some guidance on how to properly set them up for SRM. Right now both sites are being managed by 1 vCenter Server with Embedded Platform Service controller. Each site has 4 hosts.
Here is what I was thinking of doing but I was unsure if it was the correct way to go:
1. Separate the Embedded Platform Service controller to its own VM.
2. Create 2 VMs for vCenter and platform service controller for the second site.
3. Join the SSO domain created by PSC from site1 with the site 2 PSC and create a new site
4. Add vCenter server to the second PSC
5. Migrate the second site cluster to the new vCenter server ( by removing the hosts/cluster from the first vCenter server and then adding it to the second?)
Now I would have 2 sites, each with their own vCenter Server and PSC. From here I would be then install SRM on both sites.
I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback regarding this.
Thank you,