I have a questiong for svmotion.
I move the vm to a new datastore, but it showed the error "Failed to resume destination VM". Then I check the vmkernel.log, some sentences caught my attention:
SVM: 2463: Error destroying device 81857f1-67856d3-svmmirror (Busy)
WARNING: FSR: 1269: 1501720622460940 S: Failed to destroy mirror node for swap file: Busy
WARNING: FSR: 1589: 1501720622460940 S: Swap copy helper failed, exiting.
WARNING: Migrate: 270: 1501720622460940 S: Failed: Busy (0xbad0004) @0x41800aa1231e
WARNING: FSR: 4726: 1501720622460940 D: Failed to tranfer the swap file from source VM to destination VM.
WARNING: Migrate: 270: 1501720622460940 D: Failed: Failure (0xbad0001) @0x41800bac81d6
WARNING: Migrate: 5451: 1501720622460940 D: Migration considered a failure by the VMX. It is most likely a timeout, but check the VMX log for the true error.
WARNING: Migrate: 5451: 1501720622460940 S: Migration considered a failure by the VMX. It is most likely a timeout, but check the VMX log for the true error.
VSCSI: 6699: handle 109944(vscsi0:0):Destroying Device for world 5797375 (pendCom 0)
Hbr: 3488: Migration end received (worldID=5797375) (migrateType=2) (event=1) (isSource=0) (sharedConfig=0)
WARNING: Swap: vm 5797375: 3298: Failed to unlink /vmfs/volumes/594ba39c-9c39e718-8454-b82a72d56f26/m_hot-8_13/m_hot-8-896e3c57.vswp: Busy
As we know, druing svmotion, Exsi will creat three svmmirror, and destory them. Why failed destory svmmirror ? What does means "Failure (0xbad0001) @0x41800bac81d6", how to get these error No. meaning. What host does when it destory the svmmirror?