I am new to the forum and new to many facets of VMWare/ESXi so bear with me if I am not quite as clear as I would like to be
I have recently converted a "spare" home PC to be a virtual lab mostly for personal testing however; I seem to be stuck at the starting line with Juniper's vMX (VCP & VFPC) OVA files. I have managed to get vFPC installed successfully but vCP is having problems. Every time I attempt an install of the OVA or even if I convert it to an OVF I get this error "Failed to deploy VM: postNFCData failed: Capacity of uploaded disk is larger than requested"
I also am aware of the knowledge base article pertaining to this (https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2094607http://) However when I attempt the fix outlined here as I am reading it by modifying the ovf:capacity == xxxxx it will trigger a parsing error in deployment "Line 11: Could not parse the document: 'not well-formed (invalid token)" Which is where the first line for ovf:capacity exists so it clearly doesn't like being changed.
Is there another value or something else that needs modified with a text editor or am I missing something simple? Any help would be great!
ESXi Specs (Virtualized in Workstation 12 Player, Host OS Windows 10)
CPU Allocated: 6 Cores
Memory Allocated: 8GB
Storage: 32.5GB Capacity // 31.08GB Free