I have 400GB VMFS6 volume hosted on FreeNAS 9.3 and connected via iSCSI. The device and partition are visible if I inspect via the ESXi Web UI on the host. I've tried UI, vim-cmd, and esxcli methods to rescan HBAs, refresh devices, etc. and the volume will NOT mount. The same volume mounts correctly on build 5310538.
In the old vSphere Client, I would select Add Storage, Keep Existing Signature, etc. to mount the missing volume. As of the 27 July 2017 update, this is no longer possible.
How do I mount an existing VMFS6 volume via the Web UI (can't find any feature), or via the command line?
The annoying thing is that I have multiple volumes, and some mounted automatically, and some didn't.
(Side rant: Who's idea was it to force users into a substandard experience via the Web UI? It's incomplete, buggy, crash prone, F-grade, poorly tested, bloatware, unworthy of "release" status, etc. Whoever at VMware is responsible for these decisions should be FIRED).