I just had a slight heart clutching moment with 2 VMs during vmotion. I'm in the process of patching my esxi 6.0 hosts, so I was moving VMs from one that needs to be patched to one that I patched this morning. I've had several VMs running for several hours this morning, so I vmotioned about 30 more with no problem (mostly Linux guests). Then I grabbed another batch of 15 or so, and 2 of them displayed errors like this at the same time:
Disconnected from virtual machine
Time: ...
Target: forms1
vCenter Server: fqdn of our vcenter server
Asyncsocket error
Failed to establish transport connection (9): There is no VMware process running for config file /vmfs/volumes/55e627f3-234c9b5a-c329-842b2b7291a5/forms/forms.vmx.
Unable to load configuration file '/vmfs/volumes/55e627f3-234c9b5a-c329-842b2b7291a5/forms/forms.vmx'.
Disconnected from virtual machine.
On the source host, the vmfs paths showed up where the VMs were for about 10 seconds, then they disappeared. The VMs both finished migrating successfully, so everything looked good in the client and on the actual VMs. We migrated those VMs around a couple of more times and got no errors.
These hosts are in the same cluster, and I was doing host vmotion only, not to different LUNs. All of our VMs are in LUNs on an Equallogic group connected via 10g switches, and all of this has been running for months with no problems. Any idea what might have caused this?