Stopped traffic unexpectedly via vSwitch2 mapped ESXi interface vmnic4 and vmnic5. Please go through below our ESXi network configuration and let us know the possible solution.
This issue happened anytime without having any link failure and ESXi event and This can be fix if we reboot ESXi server then it works for few days,
after that it stop working without any failure after few days. So, the problems comes often and we have checked ESXi logs and cisco logs but there is no logs/event found related to network
interface or vSwitch.
We have VMware ESXi version and network configuration
- ESXi version 6.5.0 Build 4887370
- 3 vSwitch start from 0 to 2
- Total 6 VMNICs
- Multiple portgroup configured on vSwitch2
- VMNIC4 Active /VMNIC5 Standby configured on vSwitch two and both VMNIC is Connected to Cisco Switch 2960x
- VMNIC4 connected to SwitchA Trunk port
- VMNIC5 connected to SwitchB Trunk port
- Both switch is cross connected with different physical port and they are trunk