I am trying to figure out the steps for creating a link between two VMs using a vswitch on ESXi (6.5) command-line.
I think I figured out all the commands other than for the last (4th) step (as indicated below) of adding a vmnic to the VM and assigning it the port-group (vlan) created.
Appreciate any help.
Steps for creating a link between two VMs using a vswitch on ESXi command-line:
1. Create a vswitch (named vswitch-from-esxli):
esxcli network vswitch standard add -v vswitch-from-esxcli
2. Add a standard port group to a vswitch (named portgroup-from-esxcli):
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p portgroup-from-esxcli -v vswitch-from-esxcli
3. Set the vlan id (1111) for the given port group
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p portgroup-from-esxcli -v 1111
4. Add a vmnic to the VM and assign it the port-group (vlan) created above.
<what are the command(s) here>